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Maria Martha Barreneche

Maria Martha Barreneche

Maria Martha Barreneche (born in the USA, raised in Argentina and living in Italy & USA) is a secondary school teacher, with a degree in Educational Sciences & Philosophy. She has been involved with P4wC in Argentina, Italy and the USA, having received P4wC training at the University of Padova (Italy) and at PLATO Institute (USA), while pursuing her PHD at the UNIPD in P4wC.

Daniel Gaivota

Daniel Gaivota

Daniel Gaivota (born in Brazil and based in Italy) learned to read and write in the sand. Walking in similar textures, graduated in Philosophy and did a PhD in Education. He has been a public school teacher in Rio de Janeiro for many years and now works as a professor at the University of Padova. Furthermore, flaps his wings as a researcher at the Center for Studies on Philosophies and Childhoods, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education at UERJ. More important than all this, believes in the school's philosophical potency in making people fall in love with the world. He is passionate about tangerines and the sea, and always tries to dream a little before going to sleep.

Maughn Gregory

Maughn Gregory

Dr. Maughn Rollins Gregory is professor of educational foundations at Montclair State University, where he succeeded Matthew Lipman as the director of the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children in 2001. He holds a JD as well as a PhD in philosophy. He is co-editor of the Routledge International Handbook of Philosophy for Children (Routledge, 2016) and the Philosophy for Children Founders series with Routledge.